2 June 2024, Sunday, 3:16
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Belarusian Volunteers Of Kastus Kalinouski Regiment Receive 24 Awards

Belarusian Volunteers Of Kastus Kalinouski Regiment Receive 24 Awards

The details.

The Belarusian Kastusyou Kalinouski Regiment received 24 awards from the Defense Intelligence of Ukraine. This is reported on the regiment's website.

The medals were handed over to the command, which will present them to the fighters. In particular, the regiment received 11 medals “Ukraine is above all!”, five medals “For military merits”, six medals “For courage in performing special tasks”. Also, two fighters from the Litvin and Volat battalions and the Mikita Kryutsou UAV unit were awarded the Badge of Honor.

For security reasons, the names of the recipients are not disclosed by the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

Previously, Belarusian volunteers, including the fighters of the Kalinouski Regiment, were repeatedly awarded Ukrainian medals and orders, as well as awards of the Belarusian People's Republic.

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