7 May 2024, Tuesday, 15:45
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Homel: state media continue agitating for pro-governmental candidates

The state regional newspaper Homelskiya Vedamastsi publishes interviews with the officials who run for parliament. In its issue for 9 August a whole page was dedicated to Alexander Shatsko.

Now Shatsko is an MP from Navabelitskaya electoral district #36 of Homel. He also intends to run for parliament again.

From this article the readers get to know that Mr. Shatsko professionally worked at the Regular commission on culture, education, science and scientific and technical progress and has new ideas on educational reform. The newspaper consequently describes the political position of A.Shatsko: ‘The union state with Russia is a guarantee of Belarus’ stability <…> Our enemies cannot undermine the attitude to our state as a honest partner by any means. <…> Our society needs stability.’

A.Shatsko became already the fourth candidate interviewed by Homelskiya Vedamastsi. The three previous are: Larysa Kuzniatsova (electoral district #34), Alexander Shauko (electoral district #33) and Tatsiana Filimonchyk (electoral district #35).

Most probably, two more ‘special issues’ of the newspaper will be issued before registration of candidates. Homelskiya Vedamastsi seems to be implementing the plan on presentation of the pro-governmental candidates to the population, although it also violates the electoral laws in this way.

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