8 мая 2024, среда, 6:22
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amateur, 15:24, 15.09

Интересно, сколько из наших "бизнесменов" начинающих радеть за права человека после посадки вообще прочтут эту статью...

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joga, 17:58, 15.09

it's the same pattern like in the case of Yana Palyakova

in autumn 2008, the cases were laid down for to avoid international attention. in spring 2009 the apparatschiks and laywers of the regime took up their business of injustice again.

Benita Ferrero-Waldner, Javier Solana and the OSCE office in Minsk took part in covering up all these cases. none of them will be in office until the end of year 2009.

Yana is death - because she and her case was silenced in Europe for diplomatic reasons. Leanid's case is evidence, that the Lukashenko regime has'nt changed a little.

while Lukashenko is welcomed by Lithuania, harrassment and political persecution in Belarus goes on. European countries forgot to act within moral limits and European key values. Lukashenko is going to win popularity by such weak European politicians and diplomates.

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Alies', 1:11, 16.09

Cyganskij zakon v strane.

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