17 May 2024, Friday, 10:13
the website
Sim Sim,
Charter 97!

Volha Kazulina: “No dialogue until all political prisoners released”


“We hoped that after release of political prisoners Zmitser Dashkevich, Artur Finkevich, Mikalay Autukhovich and Yury Lyavonau our father would be released too. But unfortunately, our hopes have failed,” a daughter of the former presidential candidate, political prisoner Alyaksandr Kazulin (Kozulin), Volha Kazulina, told to the Charter’97 press-center after her meeting with her father in the corrective labour detention facility “Vitsba-3”.

Comments 1
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kom, 15:45, 14.02

С политикой Пряника Кнут не согласен.

Никто не несет наказания за мысли. (Lat.)

Каждому человеку свойственно ошибаться, но никому, кроме глупца, не свойственно упорствовать в своей ошибке. (Цицерон).

Тяжесть доказательства падает на того, кто утверждает, а не на того, кто отрицает. (Павел)

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